EMA Consulting has diverse experience in environmental and social consulting, especially the projects in infrastructure and energy sector. Based on the contractual agreements EMA has acted as leader of local partner of various international consulting firms. The main projects of EMA Consulting are provided below.
Main Projects

Environmental and Social and Health Impact Assessment for exploration well in Dumrea Block
EMA was awarded to perform of an exploratory well in Dumrea Block. The Dumrea Block is awarded from Albanian Government for exploration to Italian giant oil and gas company ENI. The ESHIA study follows the best industry practise standards and will enable the management of the environmental impacts of the exploration drilling project.
Environmental monitoring and interpretation of results
EMA has been engaged to monitor and report the environmental impacts and emissions of various projects in Albania, mainly in the sector of oil and gas. In such engagements EMA cooperates with the best local and national laboratories guaranteeing the measurement quality and interpretation. Such services was provided to Petromanas Albania in Shpiragu explorations well (acquired from Shell) and Eni Albania.
Environmental baseline study in Dumrea Block, Albania
EMA has been the local partner in conducting a comprehensive environmental baseline study in large area of 580 km2 in central Albania. The area named as Dumrea Block has been awarded to an international oil and gas exploration company. The study included collection of large numbers of samples of water, soil and circa 4,000 laboratory analysis. Furthermore the study envisaged the application of a contemporary study of aquatic species through application of DNA based testing.
Stakeholder Engagement Plan and Process
EMA has been engaged to prepare and implement certain phases of the stakeholder engagement process for various projects of oil and gas, energy and infrastructure. Such projects includes presentation of the projects in local and central authorities, communication with local communities, planning and executions of the public hearings. The main projects with stakeholder engagement roles included; various projects of Shell Albania, Ionian Adriatic Pipeline, exploration phases of Eni Italia in Dumrea block. So far EMA has organised and managed over 200 public hearings with local communities.
Biodiversity Impact Scoping
EMA team was assigned to prepare and biodiversity impact scoping report for water supply project of Himara town under Rural Water Supply Program IV. The project is financed from KfW Bank and managed from Albanian Development Fund and supervised from CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH. In this task EMA team has provided a report for potential impacts of the water abstraction for the supply scheme into the Shushica River ecosystem. The process was guided from WB ESS6.
Application Package for Environmental Permitting
EMA has been assigned from Eni Albania (branch of Eni Italia) to prepare the application package for the environmental permit of an exploratory well (Dumrea Deep 1). The task included compiling all information required from Albanian legislation based on several EU Directives (IEP, Waste Directive etc).
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
EMA team has supported AFRY Switzerland team in drafting the stakeholder engagement plan for the project of Fierza HPP electromechanical rehabilitation works. FIerza HPP is among the largest HPP in Drini Cascade under the operation of the Albanian Power Corporation. In this task EMA team has drafted the SEP document in line with World Bank ESS10.
Consulting services in preparation of EBRD standards package for Albchrome mine and ferro-chromium Plants in Albania.
Environmental and Social System Assessment (ESSA), under Technical assistance programme to support power sector reform in Albania.
The project provided support to the energy reform process in Albania with main beneficiary the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy. EMA Consulting team has been engaged as local partner of the project and involved in the assessment of the ES risks, practise, capacities, gaps and actions to overcame the gaps and align with national and international standards under EU integration process.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Geophysical Survey in Dunra Block. Oil and gas exploration study for ENI Albania
Supervision Missions on behalf of IFC for 3 HPP in Albania
Environmental and Social Due Diligence (based on EBRD standards) of chromium mining and ferrochromium production operations of an Albanian company.
EMA Consulting experts were engaged to conduct site assessment of EHS and assess the level of compliance with national standards and identify the gaps and actions needed to meet EBRD/PR.
Initial Technical and Environmental Assessment for Spitalla PV Site, Albania (technical support the Ministry of Energy and Industry).
The scope of the work is an assessment of the suitability of the Spitalla Site to host a PV plant, highlighting possible technical, environmental and social issues or liabilities for the development of the project in the proposed site. EMA role consisted in assisting in identifying the national environmental standards for the project, collection of local data for environmental issues for the project site and evaluation of site suitability process. The project is auctioned from MEI for investor’s interest.
Feasibility Study and preliminary ESIA. Dumrea Underground Natural Gas Storage.
EMA Consulting, has provided local expertise for the ESIA report. This is a Western Balkan Investment Fund – Infrastructure Project Facility & Technical Assistance 9 project.
Initial Technical and Environmental Assessment for Karavasta PV Site, Albania (technical support the Ministry of Energy and Industry).
The scope of the work is an assessment of the suitability of the Karavasta Site to host a PV plant, highlighting possible technical, environmental and social issues or liabilities for the development of the project in the proposed site. The project was successfully implemented and a development contract was awarded to the French company Voltalia, the company will develop a 140 MW PV plant in the project site. EMA Consulting role as local partner consisted in assisting in identifying the national environmental standards for the project, collection of local data for environmental issues for the project site, performing local meetings and consultations with relevant authorities.
Preparation of environmental compliance files for Bankers Petroleum Albania Ltd required from National Agency of Environment.
Bankers Petroleum Albania is the main oil production company in Albania operating in Patos – Marinza oil field. EMA role under this assignment include the identification of fugitive emissions sources, environmental risk assessment and environmental rehabilitation framework. All files are prepared and submitted to NEA under regulatory compliance reporting.
Environmental Impact Assessment Report for Lusa 1 & 2 Hydropower Plant, Mati River, Klos.
The project aim it assess the environmental and social impacts of two small hydropower plants planed in the Lusa stream. EMA team role in this project was to prepare the methodology of EIA, impact assessment, management plan and prepare the public consultation package files. The EIA report was submitted and approved from National Environmental Agency.
The environmental, social and health impact assessments (ESHIA) for the seismic survey in Block 4 onshore, Albania (a project of Shell Upstream Albania).
EMA Consulting role under this assignment included; provide local expertise and draft the environmental baseline, impact assessment, lead the stakeholder engagement and public hearings in 14 sub-municipalities and assist the client in the application process for the environmental approval of the project.
Environmental, social and health impact assessment (ESHIA) for the appraisal wells drilling in Blocks 2-3 onshore, Albania.
EMA Consulting role under this assignment included; provide local expertise and draft the environmental baseline, impact assessment, lead the stakeholder engagement and public hearings and assist the client in the application process for the environmental approval of the project.
ESIA of the Ionian Adriatic Gas Pipeline – Montenegro and Albania Sections. EMA Consulting has provided local expertise for the ESIA report preparation and led the stakeholder engagement and public hearings along 10 municipalities intersected from the pipeline. This is a Western Balkan Investment Fund – Infrastructure Project Facility & Technical Assistance 6 project.
EMA Consulting has provided local expertise for the ESIA report preparation and led the stakeholder engagement and public hearings along 10 municipalities intersected from the pipeline. This is a Western Balkan Investment Fund – Infrastructure Project Facility & Technical Assistance 6 project.
Preparing an EIA for an addendum to the 2D Seismic Exploration in Blocks 2-3, onshore, Albania (developer Shell Upstream Albania BV).
EMA role under this assignment include, revising the existing reports and data, conduct baseline site surveys; elaborate the impact analyses and the Environmental Management Plan in the report and prepare and assist in environmental approval of the project
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of Tirana Spatial Regulatory Plan 2016-2030, Tirana.
Tirana Municipality has launched the preparation of Regulatory Plan 2016 – 2030, prepared from “Consortium “Stefano Boeri Architetti & UNLAB & IND”. EMA role n this process was to lead the preparation of the SEA report and the environmental action plan to be implemented under the Regulatory Plan. The SEA report was prepared, presented in public hearing and an environmental declaration was approved from the Ministry of Environment.
Oil drilling waste management possibilities in Albania.
EMA assisted an Italian company (that provides services to the oil companies supplying the drilling mud( in identifying the opportunities of drilling waste management within Albania comprising the legal framework, waste management possibilities and ability of facilities and operators within Albania.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report for feasibility study of new road corridor from Thumana – Fushe Kruja – Vora – Kashari Albania.
The National Road Authority has required the preparation of feasibility study for construction of an aditional road corridor “Thumana – Fushe Kruja – Vora – Kashari”. During the feasibility study six alternatives were proposed and evaluated environmental impacts to enable the authority to make a balanced decision making for the most relevant route. EMA role in this project was the establishment of the environmental and social criteria to evaluate the alternatives, site surveys and final evaluation of the alternatives. Furthermore EMA prepared the ESIA and presentation of the environmental finding to the public hearing organised for the project.
Environmental compliance consulting of the Molisht-1 oil exploratory well
EMA Consulting has assisted the investor during the ESIA process and also project execution phase of Molisht-1 exploratory well (including construction and drilling phases). During the drilling phase EMA team has assisted and supervised the environmental compliance of the project operations (condition set at the Environmental Permit and Company Applicable standards). Several environmental compliance reports on periodical basis were compiled and submitted at relevant governmental agencies.
Preparing an ESIA(update) for the 2D Seismic Exploration in Blocks 2-3, onshore, Albania, 2015 program, Albania
EMA role under this assignment included, revising the existing reports and data; conduct baseline site surveys, developing the public consultation plan, elaborate the impact analyses and the Environmental Management Plan, develop and leading the Public hearing process during August – September 2014 (because of the vast area there were held 7 public hearing in different communes).EMA assisted the client to prepare the ESIA application package and assist in environmental approval of the project.
Preparation of the environmental permit application package.
Colacem Albania, in a local branch of an Italian cement production brand with several factories in Europe and Africa. In Albania the factory is under constructing in Lezha region and at the moment it is grinding imported clinker to produce cement and export in in Balkan region. EMA consulting assisted for the compilation of the environmental application files for the factory as required from new procedure of environmental permitting law.
Evaluation of the drilling waste disposal compliance for Molisht-1 exploratory well, Berat
EMA Consulting was asked to perform an assessment of the waste management of the project especially the disposal of cuttings waste. Leaching test of the solid cuttings waste was performed and data were analysed. Final recommendation included improvement actions and available waste treatment methods in Albania.
Environmental compliance consulting for the seismic operations in Blocks 2&3 onshore, Albania.
EMA Consulting has assisted the investor during the ESIA process and also project execution phase. During the execution phase EMA team has assisted and supervised the environmental compliance of the project operations (condition set at the Environmental Approval and Company Applicable standards). Several environmental compliance reports on periodical basis were compiled and submitted at relevant governmental agencies.
Preparing an Addendum to the ESIA for oil and gas exploratory drilling activities in Blocks 2- 3 with Shpirag-3B and Shpirag-4 exploratory wells.
EMA role under this assignment included; Site surveys and collecting data on the project area; Preparation of the environmental baseline and impact analyses; Development of the public consultation procedure; Organizing and developing of the public hearing and prepare the ESIA application package and assist in environmental approval of the project.
ESIA for Seismic Exploration of Blocks 2/3, Albania
EMA role under this assignment included; Site surveys and collecting data on the project area; Preparation of the environmental baseline and impact analyses; Development of the public consultation procedure; Organizing and developing of the public hearing and prepare the ESIA application package and assist in environmental approval of the project.
ESIA for oil and gas exploratory drilling activities within Three PSC Licenses in Blocks A-B, D-E, and 2-3, Albania
EMA role under this assignment included; Site surveys and collecting data on the project area; Preparation of the environmental baseline and impact analyses; Development of the public consultation procedure; Organizing and developing of the public hearing and prepare the ESIA application package and assist in environmental approval of the project.